Trump Lite

“Trump and Walker aren’t that far apart on many issues, just on how they express them. Trump appeals to very conservative Republicans, Tea Party supporters and older, white suburban voters, the most likely to turn out in the early nominating contests. These voters also are Walker’s base. Some of the same sentiments that inspire Trump animate Walker, but the Wisconsin governor expresses them in his boy-next-door way and in his policies. Democrats were at first shocked by how conservatively Walker governed after running a bland campaign. He took on labor, pushed draconian spending cuts with no tax increases, refused Medicaid funds, expanded school choice, and tilted toward business interests, including a plan to help the Milwaukee Bucks build a new stadium. Bob Jauch, a Democratic state senator, told the National Journal that the soft-spoken Walker “has an altar boy’s appearance, but Darth Vader writes his policies.”

Via Scott Walker, the Quieter Trump @ Bloomberg View.

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