
How It Was Funded 

To review – in addition to being a potential fraudster, Scott Walker and his campaign couldn’t even run the grift of laundering funds between his campaign accounts very well. Those campaigns are now broke on the state side, his presidential account is $1.2 million in debt, and Walker is disliked by pretty much anyone outside of a dwindling bubble of right-wing Wisconsinites. In addition, many potential donors are going to be limited in how much they can give to Scotty for the next 3 years. Yes, the GOP Legislature agreed recently to double contribution limits to $20,000 for a Governor’s campaign,but those $10,000 donations all count towards that $20K. So if anything, Walker’s failed money-laundering operation puts him at a DISadvantage for fundraising for 2018. And I doubt think Scotty’s impending home sale (where he’s asking for less than assessed value!) will allow his 27% credit card-having self to fund his own campaign after the Kochs and other right-wing oligarchs cut him off.

Via Jake’s Economic TA Funhouse: Walker’s campaign financing is sketchy for two offices.