….But there comes a time when I feel using gay rights as an argument has limits, such as with some in Madison concerning a desire to stop a development project from proceeding….
But it is the Clarenbach House at 123 W. Gilman, that is now being promoted as a place the city should honor for gay history. Former State Representative Clarenbach lived at this residence in the city’s Mansion Hill historic district during 1978-80 and owned the property until 1987. He was the mover and muscle in the Wisconsin Legislature that made sure passage was secured for the first law in the country which prohibited discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations on the basis of sexual orientation. It was a major landmark victory. I, along with many, are most grateful for the service he provided when in office.
But should the house that he lived in be somehow elevated to a higher status based on his political abilities or sexual orientation….
Via When Using Gay Rights Pushes The Envelope Too Far In Madison @ CAFFEINATED POLITICS.